A ringed damselfly from Antananarivo (Madagascar). I loved the body colours and the details of the wings of this specy.
Insect photography : one of the fields of photography i used to be working with.
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- Appareil Photo Canon EOS 1100D
- Focale 214 mm
- Vitesse 1/500 s
- Diaphragme f/5.6
- ISO 100
Sigma 70-300 mm f/4-5,6 DG APO – Monture Canon
Encore aucun test! Soyez le premier!! - Lieu Antananarivo, Madagascar
- Photographié le 12/06/2014
- Ajouté le 27/06/2016 11:31
- Catégorie Animaux
- Mots-Clés Fauna Madagascar Insect damselfly ringed_tail_damselfly
- Foto-bot Noir, Vert tilleul, Beige Sable, Gris Mastic, Vert Olive, Beige Chamois
- Palette 12%9%7%4%3%2%
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